Friday, April 20, 2012

"The Cabin"

In recognition of "National Park Day" I wanted to tell you about "The Cabin." It's a very good true story, about  an "American Family." It is also a way for me, as a romantic heart, to deal with living so far away from this most important dwelling place.
Close to seven decades ago, "Grandpa Paden," being quite the "outdoorsman, purchased a beautiful piece of land on the edge of the majestic "Yosemite National Forest." There he built a small rustic, no frills cabin. At the time, I'm sure he hoped many generations of his offspring would come to, and take joy in the  place he built. 
  Indeed, the cabin is still unchanged for the most part. Over the years, came running water, indoor plumbing, electricity, but beautifully unchanged. Five generations of one family have shared in this blessed legacy,  in this peaceful place. Thank you "Grandpa!" 

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